Wednesday, June 11, 2008

staples out, crate in

The staples came out yesterday, but as posted previously we moved that up so the Dr could check out his sudden change. Took an X-Ray and he has broken one of the screws holding the plate in his leg. So the end of the plate is not securing the bone any more. The good news is that right now the bone is still in a good position and if it doesn't move any more they won't have to go in an surgically repair the plate. But now they will have to take the plate out after he has healed, which before it would just have stayed in.

He's not allowed to come to work anymore, per the dr's orders, even riding in a car could be too much movement for his leg. We have him crate confined and only out for bathroom breaks. Instead of the sling being a safety net as we orignally understood, we are now to support the weight on his hindquarters and only let his feet touch the ground, no load bearing. Set up a midday visit with the pet sitter so they could let him out.

We go back in two weeks, unless we notice any set backs.

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